Boundary No Boundary
How to get involved
Boundary No Boundary wants people to become involved in whatever level they feel is appropriate and there are different ways to get involved.
Have a look at the Stages.
There is a timetable on the Stages page which will tell you where I will be on what day, You do not have to walk the full 3 mile stage, you can visit a section that is familiar to you, write your thoughts, take pictures, draw - whatever way you would like to contribute. Sent your documentation via the Contact page or Facebook link!
There are 3 library mini exhibitions where I will show work in progress and document your views and stories. See the Libraries page for more information.
There are 2 Guided Walks days, one at the National Coal Mining Museum England and one at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park where I will lead a creative walk along a stretch of the boundary. See the Guided Walks page for more information
I would like to share your memories, stories, poems and other creative interpretations of the boundary on this web site. Please visit the Shared Memories page to see and read what has been sent in.